<TRCSchemaDataDelegate > Protocol Reference
Inheritance diagram for <TRCSchemaDataDelegate >:

Instance Methods

(void) - schemaData:typeMismatchForValue:withSchemaValue:
 Called when TRCSchemaData can't enumerate or modify object because type mismatching in schema and object structure. More...
(void) - schemaData:willEnumerateItemAtIndentifier:
 These two methods calls each collection item. More...
(void) - schemaData:didEnumerateItemAtIndentifier:

Method Documentation

◆ schemaData:typeMismatchForValue:withSchemaValue:()

- (void TRCSchemaDataDelegate) schemaData: (id< TRCSchemaData >)  data
typeMismatchForValue: (id)  value
withSchemaValue: (id)  schemaValue 

Called when TRCSchemaData can't enumerate or modify object because type mismatching in schema and object structure.

This can be called, for example, when schema value is array, but object's value is string, so TRCSchemaData can't iterate dictionary in same way as string.

◆ schemaData:willEnumerateItemAtIndentifier:()

- (void TRCSchemaDataDelegate) schemaData: (id< TRCSchemaData >)  data
willEnumerateItemAtIndentifier: (id)  itemIdentifier 

These two methods calls each collection item.

For example for each array and dictionary item: in that case itemIdentifier is index in array and key in dictionary. Used to get great debugging information.

◆ schemaData:didEnumerateItemAtIndentifier:()

- (void TRCSchemaDataDelegate) schemaData: (id< TRCSchemaData >)  data
didEnumerateItemAtIndentifier: (id)  itemIdentifier 