Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
 C<TRCConnectionLoggerWriter >
 C<TRCConnectionNSURLSessionDelegate >
 C<TRCConnectionReachabilityDelegate >Defines method that would be called when reachability state changed
 C<TRCConnectionRequestCreationOptions >Information required to create NSURLResponse
 C<TRCConnectionRequestSendingOptions >Information required to send request and handle response
 C<TRCErrorHandler>TRCErrorHandler used to compose custom NSError from response body when request finished with error status code (For example 4xx or 5xx codes), or when response body contains error
 CTRCNetworkReachabilityManagerTRCNetworkReachabilityManager is AFNetworkReachabilityManager copy from AFNetworking library
 C<TRCObjectMapper>TRCObjectMapper creates model objects from response data and creates response data from model objects
 C<TRCPostProcessor>TRCPostProcessor is per-request post-processor
 C<TRCPreProcessor>TRCPreProcessor is per-request pre-processor
 C<TRCProgressHandler>TRCProgressHandler describes methods of object, used to track download and upload progress
 CTRCQueryStringPairHttp Query code was extracted from AFNetworking library
 C<TRCRequest>The TRCRequest implementation manages request composing and response handling at same time
 C<TRCRequestSerializer >Defines protocol for objects which converts TRCRequest.requestBody object into NSData
 C<TRCResponseDelegate >
 C<TRCResponseInfo>Additional information about response
 C<TRCResponseSerializer >Defines protocol for objects which converts NSData of response body into responseObject
 C<TRCSchemaData >TRCSchemaData is abstract data structure, used to represent schema and validate it's values
 C<TRCSchemaDataDelegate >
 C<TRCSchemaDataProvider >Implementation of this protocol provides TRCSchemaData data for specified mapper tag or nil
 CTRCSchemaDictionaryDataConcrete implementation of TRCSchemaData protocol
 C<TRCSchemaFormat >Describes schema format protocol
 C<TRCValueTransformer >TRCValueTransformer aimed to convert simple (atomic) typed objects, received as response, into objects to use inside app, and vise versa
 CTyphoonRestClientTyphoonRestClient is a library for integration against contract-first web service
 C<TRCConnection>TRCConnection provides abstraction over network connection
 CTRCSchemaDictionaryDataConcrete implementation of TRCSchemaData protocol
 C<TRCSchemaDataEnumerator >
 C<TRCSchemaDataModifier >
 C<TRCValidationErrorPrinter>Implementation of this protocol let you print custom validation error description for your custom schema format
 CTyphoonRestClient(Infrastructure)This category declares additional methods to extend TyphoonRestClient with additional formats and serializations